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» eBook italiani » Hobby e Tempo libero » Hobby e Collezionismo
Vanessa Rusci pubblicato da youcanprint
The hybrid book of 10 photographers selected by Vanessa Rusci for NNC Gallery London Project, the revolutionary project to promote emerging artists. Vol 3. A bi-monthly yearbook that tells about the emerging photography of the new century. This book wants to present exhaustively, presenting the authors and their projects, the 10 photographers selected in the first 6 months of the year 2022. Vanessa Rusci is a versatile figure, artist, curator and designer of new methods of artistic promotion. She lives and works between Italy and England. Artists: Rodrigo Illescas, Dimitra Gounari, Viet Van Tran, Ottavio Rosati, Hanieh Jalali, Paola Tornambè, Der Darkroom, IIL ARISOY KAYA, Maria José Maggio, Apollinariia Ilina. EDITOR NNC VWorld Europe
Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Hobby e Collezionismo » Quadri, stampe, mappe , Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Storia dell'arte » Pop art e stili artistici dal 1960 » Artisti » Forme d'arte e tecniche artistiche » Graffiti, arte elettronica, videoarte, installazioni » Fotografia » Fotografia, altri titoli » Fotografia: collezioni » Fotografi » Fotografia: reportage , Informatica e Web » Digital Life » Fotografia digitale
Editore Youcanprint
Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM
Pubblicato 18/01/2024
Lingua Italiano
EAN-13 9791221479744 9791221479744
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