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Bruckenbauer und wegbereiter-Building bridges and paving the way. Ediz. multilingue
Bruckenbauer und wegbereiter-Building bridges and paving the way. Ediz. multilingue

Bruckenbauer und wegbereiter-Building bridges and paving the way. Ediz. multilingue

pubblicato da Angelicum University Press

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57 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

The ten essays in this collection explore moments in the history of the Dominican Order of reaching out to others and of overcoming religious, cultural, philosophical or social barriers as part of the Dominican apostolate. They show examples for the intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness of Dominicans who accepted cultural otherness not only as challenges but also as avail and benefit for their own missionary efforts. "Building bridges and paving the way" need not be understood in geographical terms only, but include any form of sincere dialogue with different worldviews, people and traditions. Ultimately it can be perceived as fundamental for the identity of the Dominican Order and a legacy since its foundation.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo » Teologia cristiana » Chiesa cattolica e altre Chiese cristiane » Chiesa cattolica romana

Editore Angelicum University Press

Collana Dissertationes historicae

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 29/07/2022

Pagine 266

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9788899616526

Curatore Istituto storico domenicano  -  Thomas Prugl

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Bruckenbauer und wegbereiter-Building bridges and paving the way. Ediz. multilingue

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