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Oboe part of "Semiramide" overture for Woodwind Quintet

Gioacchino Rossini - a cura di Enrico Zullino
pubblicato da Glissato Edizioni Musicali

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Oboe part of Gioachino Rossini's "Semiramide" overture, artfully transcribed for Woodwind Quintet by Enrico Zullino. This piece, set for an ensemble of Flute, Oboe, B Clarinet, Horn, and Bassoon, is aimed at musicians of an intermediate to advanced level, offering a comprehensive exploration of Rossini's operatic flair. Although the arrangement is crafted for quintet performance, focusing on the Oboe part exclusively provides an invaluable opportunity to hone your execution skills, diving deep into passages that challenge and develop your technical abilities.

With a duration of around 11 minutes, this transcription not only captures the dynamic essence of the original overture but also allows for an in-depth study of its intricate melodies and rhythms, specifically tailored to the oboe's unique timbre and capabilities. The addition of an informative page, available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish, enriches your understanding of the piece's context, its composer, ensuring a well-rounded musical and educational experience.

For those interested in the complete arrangement, Score & Parts are accessible as part of the series. To complement your study and practice, a QR code found on the cover links directly to an audio demo on (product code: EG0025). Listening to this demo not only provides aural guidance but also inspires interpretative insights, making your practice sessions more effective and engaging.

Whether you're preparing for a quintet performance or focusing on solo development, this transcription of the "Semiramide" overture oboe part is a perfect addition to your repertoire. It promises not only to challenge your technical skillset but also to deepen your appreciation for Rossini's genius, enhancing your musicality and expressive capabilities on the oboe.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Musica » Strumenti musicali

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/04/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791221370386

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